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Talent Care









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Executive Solutions is unique because our Talent Care service focuses on both our customers and candidates and does not end when new hires have signed their contracts. Working from the first conversation with a customer to up to two years after hiring, our Talent Care ensures all of our Talent Search candidates are the right fit for our customers and that, equally, our customers are the right choice for our talent in their next career steps.

Talent Care is provided throughout the search, during the transition period and after a hire has settled into their role. By delivering Talent Care in this way, we are able to find the best talent for our customers, eliminate teething issues associated with the onboarding process and ensure maximum value over a new hire's tenure. 

Talent Care is the reason we are able to generate extraordinary value for both our candidates and our customers. Executive Solutions delivers this by:

  1. Providing honest feedback to candidates during the search process so they are able to understand our customers' needs and adapt appropriately to challenges.

  2. Ensuring rejected candidates still have a positive experience and are aware of future opportunities in order to maintain your company's great reputation for future hires.

  3. Offering Talent Coaching to unsuccessful candidates so they are able to improve their knowledge for the future. 

  4. Meeting with placed talent on a quarterly basis to ensure that they are happy within their new role and that their new company is happy with their performance.

  5. Offering impartial third party liaison with companies and new talent to ensure any challenges are met with a swift resolution.

To learn more about how Executive Solutions provides in-depth talent acquisition care, contact us for a free, confidential, no obligation chat. We would love to hear from you.

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