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Talent Search










Sourcing the right talent to lead your company can be a difficult challenge. From the time consumption of creating a recruitment plan to potential duplicated costs in the event of a wrong hire, companies have a talent minefield to overcome. That's where Executive Solutions comes in.

Talent Search is designed to dramatically reduce your hiring costs and maximise return on investment. By creating an acquisition plan specifically tailored to your needs, Executive Solutions is able to surpass traditional executive search and recruitment functions. Combining this approach with our powerful 20-step search process and revolutionary AI systems, we are able to deliver the right candidate every time, supercharging your productivity and curtailing staff attrition rates.

Executive Solutions uses an above and beyond approach in creating a bespoke hiring mandate for you. Our 20-step search process is an all-encompassing system which takes you from your requirement to hire to onboarding your new talent in six stages:

  1. Defining your requirements.

  2. Identifying the key aspects of your search.

  3. Developing the mandate to hone in on wants as well as needs.

  4. Delivering and executing your search.

  5. Finalising the search, ensuring you are perfectly satisfied with your new talent.

  6. Ensuring a smooth onboarding process through our Talent Care service.

To learn more about how Executive Solutions can optimise your talent hiring process, contact us for a free, confidential, no obligation chat. We would love to hear from you.

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